
Experiencing is simply better!

You are welcome to visit our mill, press, and hydraulic power plant, with an advanced reservation. We be glad to answer your questions and to demonstrate to you, ‘live’, the manufacturing process in our press. To complete the experience , we will offer you a tasting session. This visit, suitable for all ages, will stay for a long time in your memories, along with the taste of our Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I.! The guided tour with tasting is only 5,- EUR per person.


We are situated close to the exit of the A2 highway, in the middle of the beautiful South-East Styria thermal springs area. We are a very popular tourist destination, and ideally located for long or short visits.


We look forward to seeing you! You can find directions to the Schalk-Mühle here and print them. We would also be pleased to send you some of our Pumpkin Seed Oil.

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