
The excise stamp ensures the originality!

No product is as inseparably connected to Styria through its development and production as Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I.. These regional ties should be preserved in order to protect this typical Styrian speciality. Therefore, in 1996 the EU-Commision declared "Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I." as a Protected Geographical Indication with article 5 VO(EWG) Nr. 2081/92.


With the introduction of origin protection, through the work of the producers collective, every step in the process from pumpkin seeds into Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I. is documented and kept for our records. The journey taken by every bottle of Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I is tracked from its origins on the field, through careful record keeping of the harvest amounts, on its way to the oil presses and until it makes its way into the hands of our customers.

1 Gilt für Lieferungen in folgendes Land: Österreich. Lieferzeiten für andere Länder und Informationen zur Berechnung des Liefertermins siehe hier: Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen
2 inkl. MwSt.