We focus on producing high quality flour, which is made out of Austrian grain, and support the local farmers by buying their wheat, rye, oat, barley and corn. The quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers is central to our work. Our customers often exchange their grain for our flour and appreciate the high quality of our products.
Our mill is special because the germ of the grain retains its goodness. All the important vitamins (especially E and B) are still in the flour. As we have our own laboratory and storerooms, from delivery we are able to sort the grain into their different qualities and grind them gently in our mill to provide flour which is well-suited for baking.
In 1975 we modernized our mill with a pneumatic machine to speed up our production line. This enabled us to increase our productivity, whilst producing in the traditional way. The romantic atmosphere may lost, but today you can still see a unique mixture of the old and traditional in our mill, with lovingly maintained machines and new, modern techniques to sustainably produce products of the highest quality. They are not enhanced with chemicals and are guaranteed to be nutritious.